Ottawa Medical Spa And Aesthetic | Laser Hair Removal | Facials | RF Micro Needling | Chemical Peels

120 Terence Matthews Crescent D1, Kanata, ON K2M 0J1
Telephone: 343-633-4357

Ottawa Medical Spa And Aesthetic | Laser Hair Removal | Facials | RF Micro Needling | Chemical Peels

Ottawa! It's time to get beautiful, healthy skin with ease, no matter what your skin type is! Don't let changing seasons take a toll on your skin - we have the perfect treatment plan to keep your skin fresh and well-protected. Whether it's one of our laser hair removal plans, facials, microneedling, or any one of our multiple service. At Ottawa Medical Spa, we believe in personalized care, because every person is unique. That's why we offer complimentary skin analysis and consultations on all our medical services. Let us help you achieve the skin of your dreams!